
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Parallels with Present Day Society!

As I was conducting a search for a lesson on something entirely different, I was hanging out at and wandered into a reading groups site, kind of by accident. Because I suffer from ADD and stop to look at shiny things and all that glitters, I clicked on the guide for The Hunger Games. One of the questions just stopped me in the tracks of my keyboard. It was something like this - Since the beginning of TV, there have been reality shows like "Candid Camera" and the "Miss America Pageant," but today reality TV has morphed into competitive and survival type shows. "Discuss this phenomenon with respect to The Hunger Games. What other aspects of our popular culture do you see reflected in this story?"  

I am still reading this book, and so far, loving it! But oddly enough, I am NOT a reality TV fan. How can you not draw some parallels? Our society feeds on these reality shows! I watched the first season of "Survival" and have no desire to watch another. I loathe "Fear Factor!" I have only seen a couple of the shows, and none in their entirety, because I was not "seeing" the FEAR, I was seeing things that were disgusting. It's not fearsome to eat insects. It IS fearsome to be in the dark, or on the edge of a tall building, etc. if those are your fears. 

So anyone have any comments about the relationship between The Hunger Games and our modern reality TV shows? 

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